SENTIMENT MONITORING: web sentiment monitoring


Monitor how the web talks about you and reduce reputational crises.

Knowing what the customer thinks or finds out about their needs has a decisive importance for the success of their business. Many web users use the web as their main source to search for information on products and services and consult the opinions of other consumers who have expressed satisfaction or disappointment.

For years we have been offering consultancy services for web crimes and for the protection of online Intellectual Property according to the highest standards of Computer Forensics.

Our technical director Matteo Zavattari has developed the first 5-star DFM award-winning forensic browser (FAW) with others.

By virtue of these skills, we know the web very well and perform reputation analysis for clients in all areas and help in the event of legal disputes as part-time consultants.

Do you want to monitor the Sentiment of your Brand?

We constantly monitor the Sentiment and Online Reputation of your Brand and intervene by pushing negative or misleading search results down where no one can ever see them.

  • Positive Sentiments, on the other hand, will be pushed upwards by research results.
  • We can intervene with strategic publications to push down negative results.
  • Strategies tailored to your specific situation will be adopted.

How does Brand monitoring work?

The first activity to start monitoring Brand Reputation and Social Media Monitoring is the selection of keywords, the words being searched.

We have a battery of servers that scan the main sites and portals and report to our staff content that must be “thorough”.

The sources include: open sources (forums, blogs, microblogs, etc.), sources of information (news, press agencies, radio and TV, magazines, portals, newspapers), social networks (Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, etc. ..) and websites of organizations and institutions (sites of public bodies, municipalities, regions, etc …).

The evaluation takes place in two ways:

  • how many and which online documents talk about the object of the research (quantitative analysis);
  • how to talk about it (qualitative analysis).

We provide detailed reports of articles or online conversations to study or anticipate problems and trends.


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INDEVO s.r.l.

Via Mameli, 14

21013 Gallarate (VA)

Tel. +39 340 6356406

INDEVO s.r.l.

20151 Milano (MI)

Tel. +39 340 6356406