A famous artist turned to us because of a hoax that spread online. There were rumors that the VIP had stumbled upon a major health issue. Insisting rumors about this supposed illness have caused despair among fans all over the world who have immediately begun to write...
For several months we carried out a project for a V.I.P. that contacted us because of fake news that spread online on his account. Because of the false news, he needed to implement services that would protect, promote and improve his online identity. Our proposal was...
For about two years, our company has worked for a food distribution chain, for the management of the web reputation. This customer contacted us for the need to know what people thought about their products, their staff and how to improve themselves. Given the...
Our company has worked for 24 months with an important Swiss watchmaking company for the management of the Web reputation. This House, due to a lack of knowledge of its brand reputation in some European countries and because of the negative comments made about the...